Salt crusted salmon with cilantro

Gourmand Asia June 27, 2015 Print the recipe

This recipe makes you discover the salmon in a new way. You will be amazed!

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1. Preheat the oven at  th. 8 – 240°C. Rinse, dry and loosen the cilantro. Chop the leaves and set aside. Chop the sprigs as well and set them aside.

2. Pour grey coarse salt, the egg whites, honey, chopped cilantro and seeds into a large bowl. Mix well.

3. Spread half of the mixture on a large dish. Place the salmon on top in the middle. Pour in the remaining salt and cover the salmon evenly. Bake for 10 minutes.

4. Prepare the sauce. Peel and chop the shallots. Pour into a small pan with water and red wine vinegar. Bring to a boil and reduce by 2/3 over high heat. Add the yoghurt and the chopped cilantro leaves. Add salt and pepper. Pour the sauce in a bowl.

5. Leave the salmon to rest for 5 minutes before removing from the oven. Break the salt crust, remove the crystals and the skin. Serve with the sauce on the side.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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