Roasted capon with dried fruits

Gourmand Asia June 3, 2015 Print the recipe

For the Christmas holiday season, here is a recipe of roasted capon with dried fruits. A traditional dish.

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1. Marinate the dried fruits for 1 hour in 15 cl of cognac with 15 cl of hot water. Peel and chop the shallots. Cut the chicken livers into small pieces. Wash and chop the parsley. Set aside<span title="Gardez quelques feuilles entières pour le décor.</p>
<p>”> some parsley leaves for decoration.

2. Fry the bacon and chicken livers for 3 minutes with 3 tablespoons of oil. Add the shallot and parsley. Salt and pepper. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. <span title="Hachez grossièrement les amandes et ajoutez-les.</p>
<p>”>Roughly chop the almonds and add them.

3. <span title="3. Préchauffez le four à 210 °C (th. 7).</p>
<p>”>Preheat the oven to 210°C (th. 7).

4. Mix the preparation with the drained dried fruits. Stuff the capon with it and sew the opening with kitchen string. Place the capon in a baking dish, drizzle with the remaining oil and sprinkle butter into pieces. Salt and pepper. <span title="Enfournez pour 1 heure puis passez la température à 180 °C (th. 6) et prolongez la cuisson d'une heure.</p>
<p>”>Bake for 1 hour and then lower the temperature to 180°C (th. 6) and cook for an extra hour.

5. Remove the capon from the oven, carve and remove the stuffing. Arrange in a serving dish and garnish with parsley. Serve immediately.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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