John Dory fillet with artichoke mousseline

Gourmand Asia July 18, 2015 Print the recipe

Here is the recipe of a John Dory fillet with artichoke mousseline to prepare a good dish of fish.

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1. In a saucepan of salted boiling water, dip the tomato for 1 minute, remove with a slotted spoon and add in the artichokes for 20 minutes. Cool the tomato, peel and cut into very small dice.

2. Drain the artichoke hearts, cut in two, set aside half and blend the rest until a puree texture. Wash, dry and thin out tarragon.

3. In a pan add 2 tablespoons of oil, put the John Dory fillets skin side and cook for 10 minutes over high heat. The skin should be well slightly crispy.

4. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, melt the butter in pieces in the artichoke puree, salt and pepper. Reheat the reserved artichoke hearts with the diced tomatoes and drizzle with olive oil.

5. Divide the fish fillets on plates, skin side up. Sprinkle the artichoke hearts and tomato cubes and arugula leaves. Garnish with oval shape quenelle of mashed artichoke and add to the plate. Sprinkle tarragon, sea salt and pepper.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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