Caramelised goat cheese beignets with apricot sauce

Gourmand Asia June 9, 2015 Print the recipe

Here is a recipe to prepare caramelised goat cheese beignets with apricot sauce. To be enjoyed for dessert.

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1. The day before, boil 75 cl of semi-skimmed milk and pour over the fresh goat cheese cut into slices. <span title="Laissez infuser 4 heures.

“>Let infuse for 4 hours.

2. Whisk 9 egg yolks with 180 g of sugar. <span title="Quand le mélange est blanc, incorporez 30 g de farine et 30 g de Maïzena.

“>When the mixture is white, add 30 g of flour and 30 g of cornstarch.

3. In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil. once again. Pour over the egg-flour mixture. Whisk and pour back into the pan. <span title="Portez à ébullition et faites cuire à feu moyen 1 minute en tournant.

“>Bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 1 minute, stirring.

4. Fill flexible individual molds with the mixture. <span title="Congelez pendant la nuit.

“>Freeze overnight.

5. Prepare 1the beignet batter as directed on a ready-to-use package. Combine 120 g of apricot jam and 5 teaspoons of <span title="à café de jus de citron vert.

“>lime juice.

6. Preheat the fryer to 170°C and the oven to 180 ° C (th. 6). Unmould the goat cheese beignets. Dip them in the batter, then <span title="Plongez-les dans la friteuse 45 secondes.

“>in the fryer 45 seconds.

7. Drain and plqce them in the oven for 1 minute. <span title="Roulez-les dans du sucre semoule, trempez-les dans la confiture d'abricot citronnée et embrochez-les sur 6 pics.

“>Roll in granulated sugar, dip in the lime/apricot jam and thread on 6 skewers.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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