Frozen chestnut soufflé

Gourmand Asia July 11, 2015 Print the recipe

For the Christmas holidays, we propose you the perfect dessert recipe, a frozen chestnut soufflé!

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1. Boil the milk with the sugar and vanilla pod. Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Off the heat, remove the vanilla pod and pour the milk over the yolks, stirring constantly. Pour the mixture into the saucepan over low heat, stirring until the mixture coats the spatula. Do not boil. Stir in the chestnut cream, mix and let cool.

2. Beat the egg whites with 1 pinch of salt. Add the cream lifting gently the mass to not break the whites.

3. Pour into a soufflé dish and place it in the freezer for 6 hours.

4. Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving, sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with candied chestnuts pieces.

Our baking tip: Add some chestnut candied pieces in the soufflé to bring a bit of crunch

Crédit photo : Sucré Salé

Gourmand Asia