Spaghetti with red pesto

Gourmand Asia July 3, 2015 Print the recipe

A beautiful Italian traditional recipe: spaghetti with red pesto.

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1. Heat a skillet and with no fat and toast the pine nuts. Peel the garlic cloves. Drain and cut the tomatoes into small pieces and place in the bowl of a blender with the 9/10th of the pine nuts, garlic and grated parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and mix roughly. Pour into a bowl, add 1 dash of olive oil and mix. Wash, dry and thin out the basil.

2. Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, dip the pasta and cook as the time indicated on the package. Drain and put them back in the pot with a little olive oil. Cook for 5 minutes and season.

3. Pour the red pesto in a pan, and cook over low heat for 5 minutes.

4. Divide the pasta into 6 bowls with the red pesto sauce, garnish with dried tomatoes, basil leaves, remaining pine nuts and serve hot.

Our cooking tip: In this red pesto recipe you can also add some basil when blending. You can also add some small shelled shrimps into your pasta with garlic and eggplant. 

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