Cauliflower veloute with langoustine, foie gras and sesame

Gourmand Asia May 20, 2015 Print the recipe

For Christmas, opt for an easy starter make a cauliflower velouté with prawns, foie gras and crunchy sesame.

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1. Remove and throw away the heads of the langoustines, then remove the pincers and set aside. Remove the shell, press the tail to break it. With the aid of a knife, de-vein the langoustines. Set aside.

2. Preheat the oven at 200°C (th. 6/7). In a pot with 2 litres of water, add the thyme, bay leaves, star anise, coarse salt and pepper. Then add the pincers and cook 20 minutes. Filter and collect the broth.

3. Wash and cut the cauliflower into pieces. Then blanch for 3 minutes in a large pot. Discard the water. Cover with the broth and cook over low heat for 2 minute until it is tender. Filter and set aside 30 cl of broth.

4. Melt butter in a pan. Blend the cauliflower with the cream and the broth to obtain a veloute. Pass through a sieve and set aside.

5. Brush the phyllo sheets with half of the melted butter, cut into strips and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with sesame and the 4-spices. Place on a baking sheet and bake for 2 to 3 minutes until golden.

6. Brush the langoustines with the remaining butter, season and bake in the same tray for 2 minutes.

7. Divide the veloute and the langoustines in 6 bowls. Cut the foie gras into fine petals. Decorate with sesame.

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