Shrimp dumplings

Gourmand Asia June 30, 2015 Print the recipe

Shrimps and bamboo shoots are a great combination, featuring traditional flavours.

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Prepare the batter (20 minutes).

Realize the dumplings following the instruction

1. Place the flour in a bowl. Gradually add 27 cl of boiling water and stir with a wooden spatula. When the batter begins to be smooth and stick to the spoon, it is ready. Do not add water.

2. Place onto the work surface and add the potato starch. Knead until a smooth dough.

3. Roll the dough into a ball. Add the oil on top. Knead well. The dough should be shiny, almost silky.

4. Wrap with cling film and set aside at room temperature. This dough will be harder to work if you wait too long. It is better to cook the same day.

Prepare the stuffing (10 minutes).

1. Soak the bamboo shoots for 1 minute in boiling water, then rinse in cold water and set aside.

2. Blend half of the shrimps in a food processor and chop the other half with a knife. Chop the bamboo shoots. Mix the shrimps and bamboo shoots in a bowl.

3. Prepare the dressing by combining the rice wine, sesame oil, sugar and salt. Incorporate it into the stuffing, then add the cornflour and mix well. Refrigerate.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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