Tips about blackberry

Gourmand Asia

Blackberry is actually a series of tiny drupelets glued next to each other to form a round, juicy and sweet fruit.


A little history?

Blackberry may have appeared over 2000 years and introduced into our diet by hunters. Called “sykamion” in Ancient Greece, it was also a popular fruit at that time. It has also its place in mythology, believing that its colour probably came from the blood of the Titans during their battles with the gods.

How to store it?

Blackberry is a very fragile fruit. It can be spoiled rapidly. After the harvest, it must be consumed the same day or the next day. Beyond, the fruit softens and gets mouldy. The freezer is the best way to store it, whether whole or prepared. If you freeze it, the fruit must be fresh, without being mouldy nor ripe in order to keep all the flavours.

Wash gently and dry with a clean cloth without pressing too much. Place on a baking sheet covered or not with sugar, to prevent them from sticking, then place in the freezer. Once frozen, they can be put in a ziploc bag. Hence you can store between 8 to 15 months, depending on the temperature of the freezer.

In the kitchen:

Blackberry can be enjoyed in many ways: fresh, pie, jam, jelly, ice, sorbet, syrup or sauce. But it can also be a very good accompaniment to a savoury dish. A duck or veal liver go perfectly with the blackberries.

Healthy benefits:

Blackberry is a great source of vitamins C, A, B and E. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. Drink every day 250 ml of blackberry juice brings about 10% of daily iron needs. Blackberry brings energy and strength which is why the blackberry is called the Black Pearl of the botanical world. Who knew this tiny fruit could contain so many benefits!

Best season:

From July till September

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Gourmand Asia