
Pasta categories:

There are six varieties of pasta: classics, eggs, whole wheat, semi-whole wheat (made of durum semolina),  with vegetables and the fresh pasta.

Conservation tips:

To store your pasta for a year, it is recommended to keep them away from light and smells, in a dry place. After cooking, they can be stored up to 5 days. Except for the fresh egg pasta that needs to be refrigerated and consumed within 3 days.

Cooking tips:

For each 100 grams of pasta, you need 1 litre of water. Cover the pan to avoid heat loss. Adding oil is useless. On the contrary, it can prevent the pasta from cooking properly. The best is to add salt.

• Drain with moderation. If there is a little water over the pasta, it is even better! Keeping them moist allows the pasta to absorb more sauce and flavour.

• To eat your pasta cold, we advise drizzling oil when it is still warm and then let it cool.

Health tips:

Rich in carbohydrates, they are full of calories: 250 kcal per 70g of uncooked pasta, or 210g cooked. It is best to complement with vegetables without adding fat. Their high load carbohydrate and low lipid content make it the ideal food for athletes. When on diet, it is recommended to reduce the portions and cook al dente. Eating pasta will fulfill your cravings, and help you avoid snacking between meals.

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