Pastry Chef Nicolas Vergnole: Yuzu meringue tart

Gourmand Asia January 26, 2015 Print the recipe

Pastry chef Nicolas Vergnole loves to bring unique flavors to his creations. Above all he is a perfectionist, searching for the best balance of flavors and textures.

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1. To make the shortbread dough:

In the bowl of an electric mixer, mix together the butter and sugar until they are just combined. Then, add the egg, vanilla extract, 2 pinches of salt and flour.
Preheat the oven to 160°C and bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

2. To make the yuzu cream:

In a bain-marie over low heat, whisk eggs, sugar, lemon juice until smooth and thick consistency. Remove from flame, add gelatin and let cool until 35°C . Add butter, pieces by pieces. Store in the fridge.
spread the yuzu filling in the cooled tart shell.

3. To make an Italian meringue:

In a pan, combine water and sugar and boil to soft-ball stage until 118°C. Start whipping the egg whites until foamy.
When the syrup reaches 121°C, remove from the heat and gently pour into egg whites on low speed until the batter cools down.
Fill the meringue in a pastry bag and pipe. Sprinkle lime zests on top.

Chef’s tips: Yuzu juice can be replaced by lemon juice. Sprinkle bergamot Buddha’s hand zests to add extra flavors.

Nicolas Vergnole is the executive pastry chef of Me@OUE.

Photo credit:  Céline Manoukian

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