Chef Will Meyrick: Indonesian rujack salad of Scottish salmon

Gourmand Asia April 26, 2015 Print the recipe

Indonesian rujack salad of Scottish salmon, a refreshing dish to be enjoyed all day long.

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1. Prepare the Scottish salmon:  Fry off the salmon, lift and take off the skin, the deep fry the skin until crispy. Then cut the medium salmon into 5 pieces, set aside.

2. Prepare the rujack salad: combine all fruits and the rest of the ingredients with rujack dressing in a mixing bowl. Avoid toasting it too long as it will make the fruits withering up.

3. Place half of the salmon on a plate and assemble half of rujack salmon top of salmon. Repeat the process one more time to make another stack on it. Place the crispy salmon skin on top. Garnish with mint leaves and sprinkle with fried shallot, crushed peanuts and ebi powder to finish.

4. For the dressing: Smash the shrimp the paste with a little tamarind juice to make it easier dissolving with the other ingredients.
Smash the prawn petis with a little tamarind juice to make it easier dissolving with the other ingredients.
Firstly start the rujack dressing by combining tamarind juice and palm sugar in the pan, cook in a medium heat. When the palm sugar is melted add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Then place to one side and leave it in a room temperature.

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