Egg custard

Gourmand Asia March 27, 2015 Print the recipe

Here is a recipe for a gourmet yet simple dessert: the egg custard. Easy to make, this dish will delight both children and adults.

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1. Preheat the oven to th. 5-150°C. Pour the milk into a saucepan. Split the vanilla pods lengthwise and add. Bring to a boil. Remove the vanilla pods.

2. Beat the whole eggs with the yolks and add 150 g sugar. Add the hot milk (without pods) while whisking.

3. Cut the butter in pieces in a heatproof dish. Add the remaining sugar and heat over low flame until a caramel. Add a little water if the caramel thickens too much. Turn the dish in all directions to distribute the caramel.

Coupez le beurre en parcelles dans un plat supportant la chaleur. Ajoutez le reste de sucre et faites chauffer à feu doux jusqu’à obtenir un caramel ambré fluide. Ajoutez un peu d’eau si le caramel épaissit. Spread evenly the caramel.

4. Remove from heat and pour the egg mixture over the caramel. Bake for 1 hour in a bain-marie. Cover with aluminum foil halfway. Let cool and refrigerate for 12 hours.

5. To unmold, pass the blade of a knife on the inside edge of the moulds and flip the egg custard in a shallow dish.


Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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