Carré Pain d’Epices collection

Pain d’épices literally means ‘spice bread’ or ‘honey bread’, and is very popular in Europe, especially during Christmas time – not too be confused with gingerbread.

The delicacy’s roots trace back to China during the tenth century and since then it has travelled around the world resulting in influences from different civilizations in Egypt, India, and France. Its rich heritage and subtle blend of different flavours makes it a unique product that forges a culinary bridge between the East and the West.

However, while the honey bread continues to grace tables in Europe, in Asia we have lost track of this precious treat. That is until 2011, when Delphine Giron Le Martin decided to launch Carré Pain d’Epices. The honey bread lover who was raised with pain d’épices during her childhood took on a family recipe and introduced the brand in Singapore as a tribute to its Asian origins.

Made of flour, honey, and a mix of spices such as star anise, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg, the recipe is quite simple and does not require any particular technique, ingredient or equipment. There may be countless recipes floating around but the culinary journey lies in crafting the right balance of spices, flavours and texture. Which is why the pain d’épices’ recipes are considered secrets, handed down from one generation to another.

Before it was introduced to the Singaporean market, Carré Pain d’Epices worked with a local bakery to improve the original recipe, while keeping in mind to retain authenticity and simplicity. Additionally, by staying true to its taste, the brand has also developed a selection of pain d’épices featuring ginger, mango and chocolate chip to please everyone’s palate. This year they also created a tangerine pain d’épices to celebrate Chinese New Year.

A healthy product

The eggless, dairy-free honey bread can suit a large number of foodies with different needs, and with no added sugar, it is definitely a healthy choice.

Endless possibilities

Pain d’épices are not a seasonal product and thus can be enjoyed all year long and for any meal of the day – from breakfast to dinner or mid-day tea. Additionally, serve it as a main or an appetiser because there’s no limit to what you can pair it with, from a simple layer of jam or butter spread, to cheese, salmon and fruits.

For inspiration, take a look at Carré Pain d’Epices’ recipes.

Practical tips

Prices for the honey bread starts at SGD6.50 and orders can either be placed online or you can visit the following shops: Choupinette, Quartier and Mezza9 at Grand Hyatt. The honey bread can be stored in the fridge for up to 3 months.

Céline Manoukian

Photo credit: Carré Pain d’Epices 

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