Chocolate beignets

Gourmand Asia February 19, 2015 Print the recipe

Make delicious chocolate beignets with our easy recipe. To be enjoyed as a snack or dessert.

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1. For the filling: Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl. Boil the cream in a saucepan and pour over the chocolate gradually by mixing until smooth. Let cool to room temperature.

2. Prepare the beignet dough: In a large bowl, pour the flour, sugar and pinch of salt. Make a hole in the center and pour in the milk and 15 cl water, crumbled yeast (or previously dissolved it in a little water or warm milk) and eggs.

3. Mix with a spatula until it forms a ball. Knead a few minutes for it to become soft and smooth, then add the butter. Cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour 30 minutes at room temperature.

4. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface, flatten with the palm of the hand and gently roll out of about 1 cm thick. Cut out circles with a cookie cutter, 7 to 8 cm in diameter. Cover with a cloth and let rise for 1 hour.

5. Immerse the dough in a hot frying oil, three or four times depending on the size of the fryer. Turn once, until they are golden brown. Drain on paper towels.

6. Fill the chocolate beignets using a pastry bag and sprinkle with sugar.

Photo credit: Sucré Salé

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